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Collective D(esign) S3, E4- Sustainability: Climate Change, Equity, and Inclusion
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Collective D(esign) is a webinar series from IIDA that provide resources, information, and inspiration to the design community. These virtual sessions explore design from the lens of its larger societal impact as well as examining influencing factors and industries.

Sustainability: Climate Change, Equity, and Inclusion

For this episode we convened design leaders working at the intersection of sustainability, climate change, and equity to talk about the future of sustainable design. Exploring how it impacts our firms, our communities, and our lives.

Moderated by:

Angie Lee, FIIDA
, Vice President, Head of Interior Design, Pembroke

Verda Alexander, IIDA
, Co-Founder, O+A
Allison Smith,
Sustainable Design Leader, HKS
Holley Henderson,
Founder, H2 Ecodesign

CEUs earned 1 IDCEC CEU
CEUs expire Oct 31, 2026
How to Get CEUs?
To earn CEU credit, watch the prerecorded webinar and write a 300-400 word essay on three (3) factors discussed by the panelists that impacted you the most. Forward your responses to the email below, including your name, IIDA member number, IDCEC number, program title and class code CC-117548R1-1000.