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2021 Will Ching Design Competition
Winners Announced winner
2021 Will Ching Design Competition
Honoring originality and excellence in commercial design from firms with five (5) or fewer employees. A special thank you to our media partner, Interior Design magazine.
Project Title
GMECLUX showroom
Photography by: Kerun Ip
Richmond Hill, Canada
Dialogue 38 Inc.
Showrooms & Exhibition Spaces
winner Winner
Project Title
Liberation Coffee House
Photography by: Eric Staudenmaier
Los Angeles, United States
Restaurants, Lounges, & Bars
winner Finalist
Project Title
Capitol Vista
Jennifer Hughes Photography
Washington DC, United States
Determined by Design
Residences Large
winner Finalist
Competition Guidelines
Submission Requirements

All submissions must be completed electronically. No hard copy submissions will be accepted. To enter a project into this competition, you will need to prepare and submit the following:

Written Component
  • Your firm's contact information including name, address, phone number, and email
  • Your design project's information including name and location
  • Project description: a brief project summary (50-word maximum)
  • Challenge statement: a description of your design challenge (250-word maximum)
  • Solution statement: a description of specific solutions to project challenges (250-word maximum)

Please submit color images of your completed project, in JPG or JPEG format with a maximum file size of 1MB. You may submit captions to your images, not to exceed 50 words. Take note of the following additional guidelines:

  • Submit 7-10 color images total - of these images, only one (1) exterior image is permitted and a maximum of three (3) floorplans
  • No composite images allowed - only one photograph per image upload
  • Use numbers to name your image files, in order of uploads (01, 02, 03, etc). Please use the following format for floor plans: "floorplan1, floorplan2, floorplan3"
  • Do not reference or include your design/architectural firm name/logo in the images
  • Images may be edited to improve contrast ratio, color balance, and composition through cropping only.
  • Images may not be edited to add, remove, or alter any aspect or element of the project including its context. Images should represent the project as it exists in the built environment.
  • Conceptual renderings will not be accepted

The winning design projects will be selected by a jury of design professionals. Submissions are judged on excellence in aesthetics, design, creativity, and function as well as the suitability of the design solution to the project challenge and the successful integration of the elements of design. The jury reserves the right not to select a winner from the entries submitted.


The winner will be honored at a winners celebration. The winner will be featured on IIDA.org, and published in Interior Design magazine. In the event that a previously published entry is selected as the winner, Interior Design reserves the right not to republish that project. The winner will also receive official digital assets, including competition winner logos for self-promotion, coverage and mention on IIDA’s social media accounts, and in an official press release distributed to leading industry outlets and media partners.

For questions or more information, contact Veronica Whitaker at vwhitaker@iida.org.
