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Mar 04, 2024 By Jessica Jones
Kaelynn Reid: Design Futurist
Reid talks design and having meaningful conversations with her IIDA community
By Jessica Jones Mar 04, 2024
Published in Articles

Kaelynn Reid, IIDA is a Certified Design Futurist at Kimball International and IIDA Michigan member who is helping to carry the torch toward the future of design. Through her work Reid encourages designers to take creative leaps and create for the human experience. Her experience as an interior designer ignited her passion to enhance the quality of space for user experience. Reid discusses unconventional ways to approach design solutions on Alternative Design, a Kimball International podcast and looks at all the diverse perspectives and innovative ideas that will help revolutionize the design industry. Being a part of the IIDA community has helped Reid connect with other design professionals who share her same passions for improving design strategies and always looking toward the future. Throughout her member experience, she has been able to be a part of discussions and sit at the table with individuals working towards the same goals she sees for the future of design.

What inspired you to become a design professional?

While technically, the results of a high school career matching test argued that “acting” and “design” were the best fits for me, it didn’t take much for “design” to win me over. I was enthralled by the power of the built environment to influence people’s mood, behavior, and lived experiences.

Why is the IIDA community important to the future of design?

IIDA offers an organic structure for connecting creative professionals who are devoted to design, being a champion for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. It offers mentorship and resources to further your knowledge of what’s possible in design.

Kaeylnn Reid, IIDA
Certified Design Futurist
Kimball International
Kaeylnn Reid, IIDA
Certified Design Futurist
Kimball International
Image courtesy of Kaelynn Reid
Image courtesy of Kaelynn Reid

Why did you join IIDA and how have you been involved?

I joined IIDA as a student in my local chapter of Michigan and attended monthly networking events. I then experienced IIDA membership from the Manufacturer perspective as a sponsor for things like Student Design Charrettes, Annual Golf Outings, and CEU-Paloozas. But my favorite participation in IIDA thus far has been the Industry Roundtable, where designers and manufacturers cast vision for the future of our industry together.

Why would you encourage others to join IIDA?

I would encourage all professional designers to take advantage of the incredible friendships, creative inspiration, mentorship opportunities, advocacy involvement, and resources that IIDA offers. There’s also just an unmistakable energy in the room when you’re with other creatives who are passionate about creating meaningful spaces.

Reid hosts Kimball International's Alternative Design Podcast.

Image courtesy of Kaelynn Reid
Reid hosts Kimball International's Alternative Design Podcast.

Image courtesy of Kaelynn Reid
Reid acts as a judge and award presenter at the 2023 IIDA Ohio/Kentucky Chapter Student Design Charette.

Image courtesy of Kaelynn Reid
Reid acts as a judge and award presenter at the 2023 IIDA Ohio/Kentucky Chapter Student Design Charette.

Image courtesy of Kaelynn Reid
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