The IIDA Member of the Year Award is an annual honor that recognizes an IIDA Member who has demonstrated outstanding volunteer service through commitment, passion, professionalism, and dedication. These members have contributed to IIDA’s efforts to advocate for interior design excellence, ensuring that future designers are able to practice the profession in full.
The 2021 awardee is Marivel Ansera, IIDA, of the IIDA Northland Chapter, Senior Interior Designer at HGA. Marivel has served in a variety of leadership positions including past president and VP of government and regulatory affairs for the IIDA Northland Chapter Board. She has demonstrated a dedication to advocating for the profession and volunteering her time to foster a dynamic community at her chapter.
Marivel has worked on a wide range of design projects at HGA spanning workplace, higher education, cultural and performing arts, and healthcare. Her empathetic approach to the design process involves listening first then diving deeper to understand each client’s strengths. She provides space for the most marginalized to voice their perspectives and believes interior design is more than designing beautiful and functional spaces—it’s about bringing human dignity and equity to our built environments.