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Oct 29, 2020 By IIDA HQ
Meet Monae Redmond, IIDA’s Director of Member Services
In her new role, Redmond will be responsible for leading membership growth and development strategies while also serving as the primary conduit to the Association’s regional and chapter leaders.
By IIDA HQ Oct 29, 2020

Earlier this year, IIDA announced Monae Redmond, a former real estate professional, as the Association’s new director of member services. In this key role, Redmond supports IIDA members and chapters to meet personal and professional goals, in addition to ensuring that the future of IIDA membership is robust, inclusive, and expansive.

Could you briefly describe your professional background and talk about how you got into member services?

Monae Redmond:
My professional background consists of 11 years of working in the real estate industry at the Chicago Association of REALTORS (CAR). While there, I managed a successful team, maintained recruitment and retention objectives, and served as managing broker of a real estate holding company. I also gained experience in membership, professional development, professional standards, and volunteer management. I started at CAR as a college student working a temp assignment. From there, I fell in love with the association world and never left.

Can you speak to the value of an IIDA membership during a time when connecting with your professional community is especially vital?

IIDA membership is essential to the advancement of the design industry. Having an exclusive network of peers, mentors, and industry leaders will stimulate career advancement and ensure that our members are connected at all times. Having access to specific tools and resources will provide knowledge, inclusivity, and exclusive advantages over nonmembers. Being engaged with your professional community will strengthen advocacy initiatives, represent your interests, raise awareness, provide training, and nurture the overall growth of interior design.

What are you looking forward to in terms of the future of IIDA and its chapters and members?

I am looking forward to seeing this industry grow and to being involved in diversity and inclusion initiatives to broaden the scope of demographics within the field.

How can new or current members and chapters stay involved with IIDA events and offerings while maintaining a safe, social distance?

Currently, IIDA recommends all events remain virtual for the safety of our members until the current climate changes drastically. I encourage chapters to get creative with virtual events, to make them more fun and enjoyable, and to prevent "Zoom burnout." Feel free to reach out to us if you need any guidance! Also, remember that we can feature your events on our website here.

When you’re not busy supporting our members and chapters, what do you do to unwind or to support your health and wellness?

I like to do DIY projects at home with my son and by myself. I make it a habit to schedule quality time with friends and family. Reading, swimming, spa days, and small COVID-friendly getaways help too. I see a therapist once a week for mental health, and I try to work out a few times a week for physical health. The biggest way to support my health and wellness is to unplug completely when I am not working. This may seem simple, but it is something I struggled with early in my career. I learned how important it is to make self-care a priority—to rest and recharge.

What excites you about your role with IIDA and what is your vision for the future of IIDA membership?

I am excited to work with such a creative group of individuals. I am a huge fan of interior design, so supporting the designers, architects, and organizations behind this work is invaluable. Working in member services is a very rewarding experience. Each day I have the opportunity to help others, provide guidance, and assist members to achieve their professional goals. My vision for the future of IIDA membership is increased member engagement, more diverse representation, and more valuable, authentic, and meaningful benefits and experiences for all members.

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