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Aug 23, 2022 By IIDA HQ
Perspective: Changemakers | Emerging
Recent recipients of diversity-promoting scholarships share why these are essential initiatives in shaping their futures, and impacting the industry
By IIDA HQ Aug 23, 2022
Published in Perspective

This year’s IA Interior Architects Diversity in Design Scholarship and John J. Nelson Sr. Legacy Scholarship recipients represent the future of design. These students work hard in and out of the classroom to create designs and portfolios that will help launch their careers. Inspired by their environments, they seek to impact the industry in positive ways. Learn more about how these scholarships are helping students pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.


Farhath Ahmed, Student IIDA
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

What has this scholarship helped you achieve and what will it help you achieve in the future moving towards your career?

Being the recipient of this scholarship has been wonderful. Not only did I receive a great deal of recognition and regard but more importantly, it brought attention and focus to the subject matter. Putting the issue on a platform and raising awareness within the design community is a step in the right direction. Looking toward the future this award has motivated me to achieve what I envision in my essay. Knowing that the design industry is open and shifting towards more inclusivity and diversity, I am motivated to work hard towards fulfilling a senior role in the design industry one day. One where I can inspire and motivate students and young designers so that they too can achieve success in their careers based solely on talent and merit.

What inspires you to create?

In my opinion, a design that can marry art and science together is ultimately the most successful. Design that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. The fact that there is no right or wrong, only subjective with the adage “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” inspires one to create. It's amazing how a classroom full of designers all put to the same task to design will come up with completely different solutions, all unique, thoughtful, and beautiful in their own way. This never-ending outlet for creativity is what drives my passion to create. Knowing that you can always push yourself to create a unique solution that will impact people daily is what drives me to create.

Why is it important to have diverse voices at the table when designing spaces?

Having diverse voices at the table when designing spaces is crucial. Look around at the spaces being used everywhere and you’ll find a diverse group of users, so why wouldn’t we have those diverse voices at the table? Designing spaces that are well thought out and meant to include everyone should be designed in just that manner. Including diverse voices, opinions, and experiences will allow for the final design to be more inclusive, holistic, and ultimately more successful.


Katrina Alvarez, Student IIDA
New York Institute of Technology

What has this scholarship helped you achieve and what will it help you achieve in the future moving towards your career?

As a recipient of the John J. Nelson Sr. Legacy Scholarship, I had the opportunity to enroll in an 18-credit course load while maintaining two jobs. This scholarship supported me in achieving my goal of concluding the semester with all A’s and a 3.9 GPA. It gave me precious time to make memories with my son. It also reminded me that I had something to offer this industry, the unique story of a strong minority woman. Upon receiving notification of the scholarship, I was reluctant to apply, feeling I wasn't qualified. My father is from Jamaica and my mother is from Puerto Rico. It was always hard for me to fit in because people would try to force me to choose just one culture. This scholarship gave me the platform to tell my unique perspective on design and culture. It allowed me to learn how others view design and connected me with amazing people. Amongst all else, it will help me be bold by being myself.

What is your ultimate career goal?

Design has been significant in my life on a personal level. As a single mother raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I have an intimate awareness of how design affects our lives. My ultimate career goal is to integrate a more comprehensive sustainable biophilic approach rather than simply aesthetics. Moving forward, I plan to proactively leverage my career in design to positively impact my future clients and my community. I am dedicated to bringing awareness, knowledge, and personal experience as a mentor, interior designer, and future professor. I want to inspire others to advocate for equality and inclusive spaces for all.

Why is it important to have diverse voices at the table when designing spaces?

The best saying to reflect my thought is, "Two heads are better than one." Why limit yourself or your firm to one way of looking at things? Encouraging diverse voices at the table when designing a space is significant in thoroughly creating an inclusive space. My experience and knowledge are different from yours and will only benefit your design. So my question is, "Why wouldn't you want me at your table when designing a space?"


Nadiri Wilson, Student IIDA
California State University Long Beach

What has this scholarship helped you achieve and what will it help you achieve in the future moving towards your career?

Heading into my last year of completing the BFA Interior Architecture program, this scholarship has helped me pay for part of my tuition. I am also able to use some of this scholarship for the future to fund my senior thesis project.

What is your ultimate career goal?

My ultimate career goal is to use my passion for design to find the best solutions possible. I'm interested in learning about how a sustainable design can benefit underrepresented groups. Furthermore, I want to focus on the longevity of a design that can continuously withstand multiple generations. I also want to be in a position where I can lead and mentor younger designers.

Why is it important to have diverse voices at the table when designing spaces?

It's important to have diverse voices at a table when designing because it allows different experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, and cultures to have a voice. Everyone we design for deserves to be seen and understood. Therefore, design should be versatile. However, this is very difficult to achieve if most of the designers are the same.


Rai Savage, Student IIDA
Maryville University

What has this scholarship helped you achieve and what will it help you achieve in the future moving towards your career?

As a recipient of the John J Nelson Sr. Award, I have been able to inspire my academic colleagues to become more involved in our design community. It has opened my eyes and given me the confidence to boldly pursue the limitless career paths our field offers. As a recipient of this award, I feel that my voice has been heard. This scholarship has given me and others the platform to lead and support our communities. I am committed to sharing my passion for design to ensure that faces like mine are represented in the classroom and in the boardroom to reflect the diversity and cultural awareness in design.

What is your ultimate career goal?

My ultimate career goal is to be the CEO of my own design studio. I want to create a brand that colors outside the lines and makes breaking the rules “The Rule.” I’m inspired to form a network of designers, architects, and other industry professionals to create a non-profit supporting Black-owned businesses so that we can begin to build wealth and generate resources to pour back into our communities. In addition, I want to create mentoring and scholarship programs, camps, and internships that help students of color explore and prepare for careers in design. I want to show our younger generation that they can make a difference and be successful in a non-traditional career.

What inspires you to create?

I find endless sources of inspiration around me daily. The combination of colors and shapes, textures and sound, structure, and fluidity inspire my mood. I believe inspiration can come from anything and the ability to tell a story that has yet to be told is what drives my creative process.

Read the essays from the IA Interior Architects Diversity in Design Scholarship recipients, and watch the submission videos for the John J. Nelson Sr. Legacy Scholarship recipients.

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