All submissions will be done electronically, no hard copy submissions will be accepted. To enter a project into this competition, you will need to prepare and submit the following:
Your firm's contact information including name, address, phone number, and email
Projects must be submitted in one of the categories below. Categories may be renamed, consolidated, or eliminated (and projects reclassified) at the discretion of IIDA and/or the jurors.
Large Showroom (4,000 sq. ft. or larger)
The winning design projects will be selected by a jury of design professionals.
Originality of design, visual impact, effective use of materials, use of space (creativity, product accessibility, etc.), use of color and textures, lighting, and graphics.
The jury chooses a Best of Competition winner from the winners in each category. The jury reserves the right to not choose a winner in each category.
2022 winners will be honored at NeoCon 2022 and will be featured on IIDA.org. Winners will also receive official digital assets, including competition winner logos for self-promotion, coverage and mention on IIDA’s social media accounts, and in an official press release distributed to leading industry outlets and media partners.
For questions or more information, contact Veronica Whitaker at vwhitaker@iida.org.