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IIDA’s Talent Collective is a platform for a diverse, active network of design professionals to build connections, create education and career opportunities, and showcase the work and stories of an incredibly vital design community.

Community is essential, and the Talent Collective provides our industry with an important foundation to build toward a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. With programming and initiatives that explore EDI through hiring, career progression, mentorship, and building education pipelines, the Talent Collective makes real, lasting impacts that move our industry forward through thought leadership, consulting, and enacting real change.

We know that biases exist in the workplace—Talent Collective aims to provide firms direct access to resources and support that can help to identify and address these biases, and ultimately connect firms to a diverse pool of candidates that may be held back from opportunities due to biases in the workplace, socio, and economic backgrounds, and coming from a diverse demographic.

To learn more, please contact DYW Program Coordinator, Sheena Lewis, at slewis@IIDA.org

Who We Are

Talent Collective is a network and community of interior designers, sales reps, firms, manufacturers, product designers, etc that are dedicated to working towards a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive industry. We are just beginning our careers, and we are in leadership positions. We are looking to be changemakers now, by leveling the playing field for job seekers through providing meaningful access and opportunities.

What We Do

Design Your World
Launched in 2021, Design Your World is an education pipeline program driven by the core goal to build diversity and equity within the design industry through providing hands-on-design learning for high school students through a 6-week program. Learn more


Talent Collective Consulting

IIDA’s Talent Collective Consulting (TCC), provides a broad range of services to assist your company in assessing where your strengths and weaknesses lie and providing solutions that make your organization a supportive, engaging place to work for everyone, thus generating tangible, positive bottom line results. Learn more


Talent Collective Programs

Explores equity and inclusion in hiring practices and career progression, across the design industry—from firms to manufacturers and adjacent industries. In dialogue with design leaders, understanding how firms are moving DEI initiatives forward and building stronger foundations for equity. More here



Urban is an international recruiting firm that IIDA is collaborating with to bring their #BeMoreInclusive campaign stateside matching job seekers with firms across the U.S. Learn more about how students and firms may participate.

Learn more about urban + IIDA's #BeMoreInclusive program

Learn more about urban for students with the Student Starter Kit here

Why You Should Join

Exclusive Access to:

  • Job opportunities
  • Networking opportunities
  • Mentorship/Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Members Only Webinars/Programs/Content/Events
How to Be Involved
  • To learn about sponsorship opportunities, please contact DYW Program Coordinator, Sheena Lewis, at slewis@IIDA.org