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Jul 26, 2024 By Jessica Jones
2024 IIDA Chapter Award Winners
Get to know this year's award-winning IIDA Chapters—designing spaces and shaping the future.
By Jessica Jones Jul 26, 2024
Published in Chapters

(Above image: Rita Amonett (center) at IIDA Ohio Kentucky chapter's signature Thrive Roundtable in 2022, where the ENRICH fund was promoted. Image courtesy of IIDA Ohio Kentucky chapter)

The IIDA Chapter Awards recognize chapters for program excellence and contributions to the IIDA community and design profession. This year chapters were awarded the Changemaker award to shine a light on the efforts our chapters take to better their communities. Our 2024 awardees all exemplify what it means to be a changemaker in your community. Each of the winning chapters' achievements are representative of their commitment to making IIDA the number one destination for design education, building community, and expanding our reach across all of our chapters. Join us in celebrating our awardees, the IIDA Intermountain, IIDA Ohio Kentucky, IIDA Illinois, and IIDA Alabama chapters.

IIDA Intermountain Chapter: Evoke 2023

In 2023, the IIDA Intermountain Chapter identified the health—both mental and physical—of its members as a high-priority issue. After thorough research they found a research paper published in the Journal of Interior Design titled “Throwing in the Towel: Burnout among Practicing Interior Designers” which stated, “interior designers rated highest in cynicism and second only to nurses in exhaustion.” In response, the chapter launched a biennial event which they named Evoke. With a three-fold mission, the event set out to support members in taking better care of themselves, in order to be better designers, and people.

The tenets of the mission included: 1. Assess and address the mental and physical health of our members; 2. Provide added value of membership that could self-sustain for the foreseeable future; and 3. To strengthen the chapter’s community ties. The chapter held space for their members to connect on a personal level and learn by offering members tools they can use to support their own mental and physical health. Including break out sessions, and rotating visits with a life coach, nutritionist, masseuse, and yoga and meditation station, the event will offer a continuation in 2024 with their Gather & Grow series.

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With Evoke, we hope to provide resources for our designers on how to take care of themselves so they could continue to have the passion and energy to design for others.
IIDA Intermountain Chapter Evoke Mission Statement
IIDA Intermountain Chapter Evoke Mission Statement
IIDA Intermountain Chapter Evoke 2023
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Intermountain chapter
IIDA Intermountain Chapter Evoke 2023
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Intermountain chapter
Evoke 2023, IIDA Intermountain chapter
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Intermountain chaptee
Evoke 2023, IIDA Intermountain chapter
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Intermountain chaptee

IIDA Ohio/Kentucky Chapter: ENRICH

Through a survey conducted in 2021, the IIDA Ohio/Kentucky chapter identified career advancement beyond certification assistance as one of members’ main priorities when seeking educational programming and skills development. In response, the chapter collaborated with IIDA leaders, senior industry leaders, and chapter past-presidents to create a member enrichment fund, which they naturally named ENRICH. ENRICH offers chapter members financial support to pursue education and professional development skills, be it through travel, education, conference or more, and prioritizing in-person, live events. Each recipient of ENRICH is required to “Give Back” to the chapter as a way to share what they learned with the rest of the chapter.

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The ENRICH program highlights the Chapter's commitment to investing in its members' success, as reflected in its financial sustainability and future goals. Moving forward, the Chapter aims to increase awareness of grant opportunities and promote the achievements of previous winners, inspiring continued engagement and excellence within the IIDA community.
IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter Awards Narrative Statement
IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter Awards Narrative Statement
IIDA Ohio Kentucky ENRICH 2023
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Ohio Kentucky chapter
IIDA Ohio Kentucky ENRICH 2023
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Ohio Kentucky chapter
ENRICH provides financial support to chaste members who want to further their education and professional development skills.
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Ohio Kentucky chapter
ENRICH provides financial support to chaste members who want to further their education and professional development skills.
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Ohio Kentucky chapter

IIDA Illinois Chapter: Next Generation

The IIDA Illinois Chapter is investing in the future of the design industry by investing in their Student Affairs’ programming and events. During the chapter’s 2023 retreat, members discussed the importance of student engagement, and how they could work to provide more resources that expose students to this career path and prepare them for the future. The chapter set out to improve communication with their campus centers, increase student engagement at events, and support students in their transition from school into the design profession.

By prioritizing faculty relationships with the chapter, they were able to promote more student events and recruit student leaders to act as board liaisons, providing direct communication between the board and students. As a result of their increased investment, they were able to award four students with free IIDA memberships, established three student board liaisons at their corresponding campus centers, and grew their student membership by 25%.

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The IIDA Illinois Chapter is committed to investing in the next generation of Interior Designers now and in years to come. We believe it is up to us as professionals to lead, to guide, and to inspire those coming up behind us – like the students!
IIDA Illinois Chapter Awards Narrative Statement
IIDA Illinois Chapter Awards Narrative Statement
IIDA Illinois student portfolio review session during their 2023 Next Generation retreat.
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Illinois chapter
IIDA Illinois student portfolio review session during their 2023 Next Generation retreat.
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Illinois chapter
IIDA Illinois student studio series session during 2023 Next Generation retreat.
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Illinois chapter
IIDA Illinois student studio series session during 2023 Next Generation retreat.
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Illinois chapter

IIDA Alabama Chapter: 2023 Healthcare Symposium

Partnering with AIA Birmingham for their second annual Healthcare Symposium, IIDA Alabama brought together industry professionals from multiple disciplines, organizations, and cities to discuss trends and advancements in the healthcare design sector. This symposium was a collaborative effort between the chapter and AIA Birmingham and a testament of the value of working together as organizations. The joint goals were to connect members from two different organizations, offer healthcare design specific educational opportunities, and learn from healthcare industry professionals about what's next in healthcare design. Over 75 healthcare interior designers and architects attend the event with IIDA members making up 55% of registered attendees. Attendees learned from one another, networked and were able to reach market-specific sponsors.

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This event was the first of its kind in our state, with increased interest from not only the design community, but the healthcare industry as well. In the future, we hope to further develop and expand our programming efforts for the third annual symposium to reach more IIDA members and impact the healthcare community on a larger scale.
IIDA Alabama Chapter Awards Narrative Statement
IIDA Alabama Chapter Awards Narrative Statement
IIDA Alabama 2023 Healthcare Symposium
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Alabama chapter
IIDA Alabama 2023 Healthcare Symposium
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Alabama chapter
IIDA Alabama 2023 Healthcare Symposium
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Alabama chapter
IIDA Alabama 2023 Healthcare Symposium
Photo by Image courtesy of IIDA Alabama chapter
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