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Apr 10, 2023 By Jessica Jones
Design Your World Book Launch
The Design Your World book celebrates the power of early design education
By Jessica Jones Apr 10, 2023
Published in Programs

The Design Your World children's book was recently launched at the IIDA headquarters with a gathering of design industry folks on hand to celebrate. Co-authors Maria VanDeman, Ind. IIDA, OFS and Doug Shapiro, Ind. IIDA, OFS inspired by IIDA’s Design Your World program—a high school education pipeline program to build equity and diversity in the design industry— created a book that gives children access and understanding to the power of design.

One of the biggest inspirations for this book was a letter Shapiro received from IIDA’s own Executive Vice President and CEO, Cheryl S. Durst, Hon. FIIDA. In the letter Cheryl wrote about her experience as a teacher in Washington, DC, where she exposed a classroom full of kids to the power of design by allowing them to redesign their space—helping them to understand that they could affect change in their own environments and had agency over the spaces they inhabited. This opened Shapiro’s eyes to the impact of early design education and this realization is part of what he hopes the book will inspire in others.

“I hope that if it doesn't just simply inspire people to seek the design profession, then I hope it inspires them to take control over their environment. That could be something as simple as keeping your room clean or letting in more sunlight to a room, those little changes can add a lot to your experience.”- Doug Shapiro, Ind. IIDA


Above Image: Tracey Thomas, Assoc. IIDA (far left), Maria VanDeman Ind. IIDA, OFS, Doug Shapiro Ind. IIDA, OFS, Cheryl S. Durst, Hon. FIIDA, and Kenzie Leon Perry, IIDA (far right) celebrate the launch of the DYW book.
Photography by Curtis Crow

VanDeman and Shapiro had three goals when it came to the creation of this book: To present interior design as a life tool, to introduce design as a valuable and viable career choice and to promote diversity in the interior design industry through representation.

“I want to give designers a handle to be able to take this message outside in their own circles. There is only so much I and Doug can do. But if each designer takes this message and spreads it even farther and shares it to students and kids in their own circles, I think that the story, passion and inspiration will go really far.”- Maria VanDeman, Ind. IIDA

To bring this book to life VanDeman brought illustrator Kenzie Leon Perry, IIDA on board. Perry is also an educator in the Design Your World program and sees this as passing the torch to the next generation of designers. After seeing his work on Instagram VanDeman reached out and knew that he would be the person to help execute their vision for this book. For the illustrations, Perry pulled inspiration from the people around him, Serena was inspired by his niece and the teacher was inspired by Cheryl.

DYW book illustrations by Kenzie Leon Perry
DYW book illustrations by Kenzie Leon Perry
DYW book illustrations by Kenzie Leon Perry
DYW book illustrations by Kenzie Leon Perry

In creating the illustrations for this book Perry got to combine the two things he loves most, working with children and showing them the power of art and design.

“I want the book to inspire people to explore who they are, what they want to do and most of all how important art and design is in our lives. Art is everywhere, we sit on art, we walk on art, and we wear art. So, the importance of this book is exposing youth to the power of art and design and creating their own world.”- Kenzie Leon Perry, IIDA

Through inspiration from Cheryl S. Durst and the success of the Design Your World Program, Shapiro, VanDeman and Perry were able to create a work of art they hope will inspire more diversity in design, create more representation in the industry and show people the true power of design.

DYW Books can be purchased here with a portion of the proceeds going to the program. Learn more about the DYW program and how you can get involved.

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