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Have you ever felt like the things you’re best at—the stuff that really makes you successful at work and life—aren’t the skills that show up on a resume? Maybe it’s your street smarts, your grace under pressure, your creative vision that truly set you apart. In an era of resignations, career changes and shifting goals and ambitions, designers and others across the professional spectrum are looking for ways to redefine themselves and their work; employers are looking for ways to rethink talent.

One way to start that exploration is by defining those intangible skills—and it’s exactly that idea, along with her lifelong love of a good backstory, that led IIDA EVP and CEO Cheryl Durst to launch her latest project: a new monthly podcast, Skill Set with Cheryl Durst.

Produced by Imagine a Place Productions, Skill Set brings together guests from a wide range of professional backgrounds (if you’re thinking a neurosurgeon and a country singer, you’re on the right track!) for conversations of discovery and a deep dive into the surprising commonalities and hidden skills that are the true secrets to success. You can find it wherever you get your podcasts and tap into Cheryl’s insights whenever you’re ready to listen—the first episode will be released June 12, and you can subscribe here.