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Jul 17, 2023 By Vasia Rigou
Advocacy Works July 2023
Find out how advocacy works across the country—from bills that have passed and those still on the floor, to other efforts that support how we practice interior design
By Vasia Rigou Jul 17, 2023
Published in Advocacy

Continuing IIDA’s Advocacy Works series, we look at advocacy efforts from across the country. As several of our chapters share updates on recent wins and ongoing efforts in their states, we cannot help but be grateful to our IIDA advocates for all the tireless work they do as they support advancement in design excellence, legislation, leadership, accreditation, and community outreach to increase the value and understanding of interior design. Together we hope to inspire everyone's inner advocate for positive change.


Northern California Chapter VP of Advocacy, Laura Taylor; Assistant VP of Advocacy, Adam Newton, IIDA
Southern California Chapter VP of Advocacy Nicole Dehlin-Grant, IIDA; Co-VP of Advocacy; Gabrielle Mote, IIDA
Bill: SB 816, Roth

This bill makes minor amendments to conform statute to current practice including naming the commercial designation of the CID certification for the first time. IIDA Northern and Southern California chapters joined together in a “support-if-amended” position and provided several minor amendments to committee staff. We expect some, if not all to be accepted, especially as AIA California adopted the same “support-if-amended” position and echoed IIDA’s proposed amendments in a collaborative process with our California advocates. SB 816 is moving on to its second house review, IIDA’s new lobbyist, Full Moon Strategies, continues to engage with committee staff to see that our proposed amendments are adopted. Read more about their work here


Wisconsin Chapter VP of Advocacy: Libby Castro

Most Recent Activity:

On May 18th, the Wisconsin Chapters of IIDA and ASID hosted a "Convo at the Capitol - Change Brings Opportunity." The lobby day included conversations with Representative Shae Sortwell (R), Chair of the Regulatory Licensing Reform Committee; and JJ, a staffer with Senate President Chris Kapenga, author of the Interior Design bill. JJ informed the members about the bill writing process and how exciting it is to see a bill become an Act. Rep. Sortwell listened to concerns about the rulemaking process and provided an update about the process.


Above Image: Wisconsin Chapter Event, Image Courtesy of Laura Schade Stroik


Great Plains Chapter VP's of Advocacy, Iowa, Sara Herman, IIDA and Leslie Wilson, IIDA
Bill Name: SF 135

On April 27, 2023 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed bill SF 135 also known as "The Interior Design Bill" into law. The Iowa Interior Design Examining Board intends for Registered Interior Designers in Iowa to be allowed to sign drawings when the law officially goes into effect on July 1, 2023 regardless of whether the rules writing process is complete. This bill adds permitting privileges to our existing Title Act for Registered Interior Designers. Read more about Iowa’s process here.


New England Chapter VP of Advocacy Krista Easterly, IIDA
Bill: S2408

The Massachusetts Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure held the first hearing of SB185/HB315, "An Act Relative to Advancing the Profession of Commercial Interior Design," on Wednesday, June 21 with a panel of seven individuals testifying. Introduced February 15, 2023, by Senator Joan B. Lovely and Representative Patricia Haddad, the bill has gained bi-partisan support, with seven cosponsors. Only one week later, the Committee favorably reported the bills forward to the Ways and Means Committee, with a new bill number of S2408.

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