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IIDA College of Fellows Application FAQ
Who is eligible to apply for Fellowship?
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Only IIDA Professional Members who are in good standing and have been a member of the association for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years may seek Fellowship.

What is the definition of a member in "good standing?"
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You are considered a member in good standing when you have:

  • Paid in full the member dues required for the current year.
  • Paid in full any special assessments, which have been authorized by the IIDA International Board of Directors, by the date required.
  • Fulfilled the CEU requirements for the two-year compliance period.
I want to nominate myself for Fellowship. What do I do?
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Familiarize yourself with all sections of the application and select the category under which you wish to submit. Identify the IIDA Professional members who will write your letters of recommendation. Compile all the requested information outlined in the application.

If I submitted an application for Fellowship in a previous year and I was not accepted, do I need to submit a new application?
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Yes, a new application including the $300 non-refundable fee and all the supporting documentation are required to be reconsidered.

Who can write my letters of recommendation?
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Five (5) letters of recommendation are required. Three (3) letters must be written by current IIDA Professional members in good standing. The remaining letters should be from someone who can amply support why the candidate is eligible for this honor. All individuals should be well known to you and able to attest to your professional achievements.

Current IIDA International Board Members, IIDA HQ Staff, and Nominating Advisory Committee members are not able to write letters of recommendation.

How long should the recommendation letters be?
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Please limit your recommendation letters to one page. The letters should be succinct and provide the evaluation team with specific examples to support your achievements.

Who should the letters of recommendation be addressed to?
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Address letters to the Chair of the College of Fellows. Letters of recommendation should be submitted online through your application. The Fellowship application allows candidates to request letters of recommendation through the online application so that the writers of the letters of recommendation may upload their letters privately and securely. Letters must be formatted as PDF files only.

Five letters of recommendation are required. May I submit more than five letters?
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No. Only five letters of recommendation will be accepted. Additional letters will not be considered or included in your evaluation.

How will I know if my recommendation letters have been received by IIDA Headquarters?
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You will receive confirmation via email when all your letters have been received. However, it is solely your responsibility to see that your recommendation letters are submitted to IIDA Headquarters by the stated deadline.

When do I pay the $300 application fee?
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The application fee must accompany your submitted application and collateral materials. Applications submitted without the $300 fee will not be considered.

If my application for fellowship is not accepted will the $300 fee be refunded to me?
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No. The application fee is non-refundable.

Who is on the Fellows Evaluation Team?
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The Fellows Evaluation Team is led each year by the chair(s) of the IIDA College of Fellows along with two or three additional active members of the College.

Am I being judged on the visual quality and content of my submission?
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Yes. Because interior design is a visual profession, the submission should be of the same high quality as a marketing proposal for a new client project.

When will I know whether my application has been successful?
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If you are selected for induction you will be notified via telephone no later than May 1.

Part 2, the Candidate Statement, requests a written statement of 200 words. If I submit a statement longer than the 200 word maximum, will that help my application?
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No. Limit your written statement to 200 words.

If I select more than one category for my submission will that increase my chances for selection?
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No. Select one and only one category for your submission.

In Category Two – Interior Design – five design projects/products are required with four images for each project/product. May I submit more than four images?
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No. Submit only four images for each of the five projects/products. Select clear, quality images. Poor quality photography can hurt your application.

In Category Two - Interior Design - my client does not want to be recognized, how do I complete the Project Summary Outline?
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The Evaluation Team does not need to know the client’s name. “Confidential, per Client’s Request” will suffice.

May I include a project/product that is not completed?
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No. Include only completed projects/products.

I still have questions, who can assist me?
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Contact Lisa Toth, COO, ltoth@iida.org with any questions or concerns.

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