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Aug 10, 2022 By IIDA HQ
Advocacy Works August 2022
Hear how advocacy works across the country—from bills that have passed, are still on the floor, and other efforts that support how we practice interior design
By IIDA HQ Aug 10, 2022
Published in Advocacy

IIDA rounded up advocacy news from across the country—several of our chapters shared updates on recent wins and ongoing efforts in their states. We’re grateful to our IIDA advocates for all the tireless work they do to support advancement in design excellence, legislation, leadership, accreditation, and community outreach to increase the value and understanding of interior design.


VPs of Advocacy, Northern California: Adam Newton, IIDA; and Laura Taylor, IIDA
VPs of Advocacy, Southern California: Nicole Dehlin Grant, IIDA; and Gabrielle Mote, IIDA

SB 1437

This bill extends the existing certification to 2027 as a result of this year’s sunset review of the Certified Interior Designer (CID) certification and the California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC), despite the request from IIDA’s advocates that the certification be extended only one year while staff of the Business & Professions committee and stakeholders address longstanding issues. As a result, IIDA’s advocates feel the sunset review process is not robust enough to make meaningful changes to the unusual certification structure of interior design in California and are working on a strategic plan to introduce a bill to make progress instead.


VP of Advocacy: Lisa Schettler, IIDA
TBD, will be introduced in 2023

This bill was created in collaboration with AIA Iowa to revise the existing Registered Interior Designers law (CHAPTER 544C) by adding signing privileges for permit review and updating the language to reflect the practice of interior design today. 2023 is the start of a new two-year legislative session in Iowa, and with the support of AIA Iowa this bill could move all the way to the governor's desk in 2023.


VP of Advocacy: Krista Easterly, IIDA

Most Recent Activity:

In late 2021, the Massachusetts Chapter’s current bill moved out of the Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee and moved into Ways and Means. Chapter members have been working with educators and constituents to discuss efforts with the Chairpersons of the committee and are making great progress. They will continue their efforts to connect with the Legislators in the Committee and push for the bill to move forward before the end of the year. They also will begin discussing next steps in Rhode Island and are planning an event in conjunction with ASID for September to engage members.


VP of Advocacy: Liana Jameson, IIDA
Associate VP of Advocacy: Mai Xiong, IIDA
House Representative Kristin Bahner

This bill will create an Interior Design Title Act with permitting privileges that clarifies and modernizes the language to reflect our scope of work that supports health, safety, and welfare. Bill will reference language that proved successful in Illinois, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.

Most Recent Activity:

2022 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion program called Building Outstanding Leaders in Design, or BOLD. BOLD is a mentorship program by and for designers of color, a collaboration again between The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), Minneapolis Chapter, and IIDA Northland. To apply for this uniquely designed mentorship program contact bold@iida-northland.org for more information. Applications for 2023 will open this fall.


VP of Advocacy: Meghan Dudek, IIDA (Mid-America Chapter)

Most Recent Activity:
Missouri currently has the title act and we are just starting the process for new legislation.


Pennsylvania VP of Advocacy: Nikki Mancuso, IIDA
PA HB1258
Sponsors: Primary Sponsor, Kathleen C. Tomlinson (R)

The bill would allow interior designers that meet specified education and experience requirements to apply to the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Attorney General’s Office to become registered interior designers and submit interior construction documents as required to obtain building permits. Registered Interior Designers (RID) would be allowed to both compete for federal contracts and to independently design. Non-registered interior designers may still refer to themselves as 'interior designer' and develop interior construction sets, but would need to submit with the seal and signature of an architect or professional engineer.


South Florida VP of Advocacy: Carolyn Mendoza, IIDA

Currently the South Florida Chapter (SFC) is still in planning stages, but they have a pending trip to see the Board of Architecture and Interior Design in Florida to speak on IIDA, commercial interior design, Impact, and our technical processes. The IIDA-SFC New Board Retreat is in Ft. Lauderdale August 26-27, 2022.


Wisconsin VP of Advocacy Laura Schade Stroik, IIDA
2021 Act 195
Senator Kooyenda

The passage of 2021 Act 195
secured stamping privileges within a defined scope of work for Wisconsin Registered Interior Designers (WRID), and has given WRID’s appointed. seats on the Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Registered Interior Designers. Currently, they are waiting for confirmation of our appointees to the Examining Board, and then the legislation moves into rules and regulation.

Save the Date -- Advocacy Symposium at Winter CLC

We’re returning the Advocacy Symposium to its roots in the Chapter Leaders Council. The Advocacy Symposium will take place within the Winter Chapters Leaders Council Meeting in Chicago, February 18-19, 2023. Details and registration to come.

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