Georgia Chapter Education Fund | The Georgia Chapter has established a fund within the IIDA Foundation to provide financial assistance to students pursuing interior design degrees in the state of Georgia.
Details on the mission and application process will appear on this site, as the Board of the Georgia Chapter determines the funding cycle and guidelines. In the interim, unsolicited requests will not be accepted.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Georgia Chapter website.
The Northern Pacific Chapter Fund | The Northern Pacific Chapter has established the Northern Pacific Chapter Knowledge Advancement Fund.
The mission of the Fund will be to fund and support activities directly related to the advancement of the professional development of IIDA Members in the geographic areas outlined in the structure of the Chapter.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Northern Pacific Chapter website.
Northland Chapter Education Fund | The Northland Chapter has established the Northland Chapter Education Fund.
The mission of the Fund will be to fund and support activities directly related to the advancement of the professional development of IIDA Members in the geographic areas outlined in the structure of the Chapter.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Northland Chapter website.
The Rocky Mountain Chapter Fund | This Fund was established by the IIDA Rocky Mountain Chapter to honor the memory of Chapter Board Member, Pam Weeks, who passed away in December 2012.
The purpose of this fund is to provide a positive impact to our design community by sending two deserving IIDA Rocky Mountain Chapter Members annually to NeoCon to grow, learn, and enrich themselves as a design professional.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Rocky Mountain Chapter website.
Southern California Chapter | The Southern California Chapter has established the Southern California Chapter Education Fund.
The mission of the Fund will be to fund and support activities directly related to the advancement of the professional development of IIDA Members in the geographic areas outlined in the structure of the Chapter.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Southern California Chapter website.
The Tennessee Chapter | The Tennessee Chapter has established the Tennessee Chapter Education Fund.
The mission of the Fund will be to fund and support activities directly related to the advancement of the professional development of IIDA Members in the geographic areas outlined in the structure of the Chapter.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Tennessee Chapter website.
The Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Fund | The Texas/Oklahoma Chapter has established the Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Education Fund.
The mission of the Chapter's Education Fund is to fund and support activities directly related to the advancement of students pursuing degrees in Interior Design in the states of Texas and Oklahoma.
Information on the Chapter’s award programs and eligibility requirements can be found on the Texas/Oklahoma Chapter website.
Wisconsin Chapter, Susan Wohlitz Memorial Fund | The purpose of this fund is to support activities directly related to the advancement of students pursuing interior design degrees at colleges and universities in the state of Wisconsin. A committee of individuals from the Wisconsin Chapter will oversee the procedure and process for the distribution of the money from this fund. Funding cycles and procedures will be published in the chapter's newsletter and on the fund page.
Information about the chapter's award programs and eligibility requirements can be found here.
Contributions to this fund can be sent to: IIDA Foundation Attention:
Lisa Taylor
111 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 222
Chicago, IL 60601
For questions or more information, contact the IIDA Foundation at