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IIDA Latin America Design Awards

07 LADA Hero

The IIDA Latin America Design Awards honors the excellence in interior design and interior architecture projects representing achievement in creativity and innovation. Established in 2013, this prestigious award has recognized some of the most creative and exciting interior design projects across Latin America across 18 categories.

Who Should Submit
This award is open to participants worldwide, for projects located in Latin America and the Caribbean, for projects completed in the last two (2) calendar years.

Why Should I Submit?

Enter for the chance to have your work evaluated by world-renowned interior designers and architects like Ronnie Belizaire, FIIDA; Samuel Lamas; and Enrique Vela, IIDA, AIA. Projects are judged on excellence in aesthetics, design, creativity, and function as well as the suitability of the design solution to the project challenge and the successful integration of the elements of design.

Winners are honored during an in-person event at the IIDA Headquarters in Chicago. Winners will be featured on, and in an official press release distributed to leading industry outlets and media partners.


This award is open annually, March through April—check back in March 2024 for more information about next year’s award!

To be notified directly when this competition opens, contact IIDA Design Competitions Manager Veronica Whitaker at

2023 Best of Competition

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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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Ling Ling, Mexico City by Sordo Madaleno. Photos by LGM Studio
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For questions and more information regarding IIDA Design Awards and Competitions, please contact

With 11 annual and one biennial competitions, IIDA awards projects spanning global regions, firm size, categories/types, student work, and product and showroom design. Interior design and architecture firms of all sizes, including women and minority-owned businesses are welcome to apply.