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The HD Expo Product Design Awards recognizes the next big thing in hospitality design. Established in 1997, this award evaluates products on innovation, environmental functionality, function, and aesthetic or technical advancements in the hospitality industry across eight categories.

Who Should Submit
This award is open to product manufacturers or designers exhibiting products intended for the hospitality environment at the current iteration of the HD Expo + Conference.

Why Should I Submit?

Enter for the chance to have your work evaluated on-site by world-renowned interior and product designers like Courtney Wilson, IIDA; Mari Ansera, IIDA; Eric Koffler IIDA, AIA. Projects are judged on excellence in aesthetics, design, creativity, and function as well as the suitability of the design solution to the product challenge and the successful integration of the elements of design.

Winners will be announced and celebrated during the HD Expo + Conference, featured on IIDA.org, published in Hospitality Design Magazine, and in an official press release distributed to leading industry outlets and media partners.


This award is open annually, January through April—check back in January for more information about next year’s award!

To be notified directly when this competition opens, contact IIDA Design Competitions Manager Veronica Whitaker at competitions@iida.org.

2024 IIDA/HD Expo Product Design Award Winners

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For questions and more information regarding IIDA Design Awards and Competitions, please contact competitions@iida.org.