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IIDA Student of the Year Sponsored by OFS


The IIDA Student of the Year Sponsored by OFS award recognizes an IIDA Student Member who has significantly impacted their school’s interior design program through outstanding leadership, insight, and involvement.

Award Winners

  • Hatcher Emily 05

    Emily Hatcher, Student IIDA

    2024 Student of the Year
    • Emily Hatcher, Student IIDA, is completing her degree at Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and minors in Studio Art and Graphic and Industrial Design. Emily grew up loving all things artistic and looks forward to using her passion for creativity in her future endeavors in the design industry. Emily is involved in Auburn University’s interior design community, primarily through her involvement in AU Societies—the student chapter of IIDA and ASID. After being elected as co-president last spring, she facilitated initiatives aimed at enhancing professional development, fostering industry connections, and providing access to design resources.
  • Espe Zivkovic 450x450

    Espe Zivkovic, Student IIDA

    2023 Student of the Year
    • Espe Zivkovic, Student IIDA, graduates in Spring 2023 as an interior design student from Bellevue College, and member of the IIDA Northern Pacific Chapter. Originally from Colombia, she has a degree in industrial design, and worked as a furniture designer among other creative roles. Upon deciding to change career paths and moving to Seattle, Zivkovic began her interior design studies with the idea of combining industrial and interior design knowledge for a holistic approach. She found her way to IIDA through a local drawing club, and through IIDA, she found her voice and confidence as part of the local student community. She is the 2022-23 Student Council President for the IIDA Puget Sound Campus Center organizing events that help students with networking, finding mentors, internships, and more. Zivkovic placed third place in the 2022 IIDA Student Design Charette at NeoCon and is currently completing an internship at CRTKL.
  • Hailey Fuller IMG 2348 bw

    Hailey Fuller, Student IIDA

    2022 Student of the Year
    • Hailey Fuller, Student IIDA, ASID, recently received a bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from Auburn University’s CIDA accredited program. She is active in her local IIDA chapter and campus center and served as the Public Relations Officer for an on-campus organization for members of IIDA and ASID. In 2021, she won Best of Students for Corporate/Office Design at the Alabama Chapter IDIES. As a student, she served in various leadership roles on campus including being an ambassador for the College of Human Sciences, a teaching assistant for multiple studio courses, and a CIDA ambassador. Fuller’s passions for sustainable design led her to earn a minor in sustainability studies and become an accredited LEED Green Associate.
  • Jen Khor Headshot2

    Jen Khor, Student IIDA, 2021 Student of the Year

    • Jen is a student at the California State University, Long Beach and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in interior architecture. Alongside her active role in IIDA, where she is fostering her dream of becoming an impactful interior designer, she has also held various leadership positions in the interior design community including as vice president of the Design Student Association, student senator and environmental affairs officer at SD Mesa College, CA and treasurer of her ASID Student Chapter. Additionally, she has worked as an interior design intern at Nevermore Group in Penang, Malaysia and Retail Design Collaborative in Long Beach. Jen is a stickler for sustainability and believes that design should foster a deeper connection between people and space as well as minimizing its overall environmental impact.
  • Tyler Hatton BWHS2020 copy

    Tyler Hatton, Student IIDA, 2020 Student of the Year

    • Tyler is a 2020 graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in interior design and a focus on retail design strategy and sustainability. During his time as a student, Tyler remained active with IIDA, holding the position of co-leader of the IIDA Ohio State Campus Center since 2017. In 2019, he received first place in the IIDA Student Design Charette at NeoCon and has also been involved in a number of additional design competitions, including the Big 10 Student Design Challenge, sponsored by Herman Miller, and the Innovation in Material Product Design, Sponsored by Mohawk Group. Hatton has held positions with BHDP Architecture and L Brands and has been a speaker and presenter at several interior design events and conferences, including the IIDA Chapter Leadership Council.

Important Dates

  • Applications Open

  • Applications Close


For more information, contact Cody Czmyr, Director of Member Services, at


Candidates must be an IIDA Student Members in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year. Students applying for 2025 must have a join date of January 1, 2024, or earlier.

Apply here

The recipient must be available to attend IIDA events during the week of NeoCon in June 2025, including the IIDA Student Winners Reception. Additionally, the recipient will need to be available to participate in an immersive two-day experience with OFS at their headquarters in Indiana, date to be agreed upon by both parties.


The IIDA Student of the Year will receive:

  • $5,000 cash award sponsored by OFS Brands
  • Complementary IIDA membership
  • Round-trip coach airfare and a one-night hotel stay in Chicago to attend the award presentation during the IIDA Annual Meeting
  • Optional participation in the IIDA National Student Charette and reception
  • An immersive experience at the OFS headquarters in Huntingburg, IN inclusive of travel and accommodation for two (2) days and one (1) night
  • A feature on, in Design Matters, and QUAD, the quarterly IIDA Student member newsletter
  • Official digital assets, including competition winner logos for self-promotion
  • Coverage and mention on IIDA’s social media accounts, and in an official press release distributed to leading industry outlets and media partners