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Dec 05, 2022 By Go Daddy
Top Reasons Why Every Designer Needs an Online Portfolio
If you don’t have an ePortfolio, you could be missing out
By Go Daddy Dec 05, 2022
Published in Articles

Gone are the days when you walk into an interview or client meeting with a binder full of your previous work – we’ve officially entered a fully digitized world, and paper can equal clutter. And while you may already have a business website, your business website should be exactly as described: a website devoted just for your business. But what about a website devoted to showcasing the best of you and your talents?

Building an ePortfolio is a great way to show others exactly who you are and what drives your passions. Keep reading to see why you need an online portfolio.

5 Reasons you need an ePortfolio

1. Develops soft and hard skills

As a designer, you’ve worked hard making an online portfolio not only shows your tech-savviness or User-Experience skills, but also shows off your visual communication, and organization skills. Similarly, your online portfolio can help you articulate your project’s goals and success metrics (if applicable) – a lot of which can get missed in a resume due to limited space.

2. Acts as a mood board for you and prospective employers

A resume tells employers your story, but a portfolio shows employers what you’re made of and what your designs actually look like. If you’re a student with only school experience, load your portfolio with not just the work you’re most proud of, but the work you’re wanting to do more of (e.g., if you’re really into modern interior design, showcase more of this!). If you’re an experienced designer, be sure to include your passion projects alongside your actual work experience – as a visual reminder of why you became a designer in the first place.

3. Tells your design story

Similar to a resume, your online portfolio can showcase how you’ve grown over the years as a designer. While you shouldn’t pack your ePortfolio with every design you’ve ever made, showing your designs over the years can paint a story of the different medias or styles you’ve learned or experimented with. You can also include any performance reviews (including client testimonials) or collaborations you’ve done to give your portfolio an edge.


4. Shows your versatility as a designer

If you’ve professionally worked as a corporate interior designer – but do some side hustling on the side for residential or nonprofit clients – your ePortfolio can showcase your ability to adapt to different environments. In the same way, if you’re often finding yourself changing your design styles to meet the needs of your client, your portfolio can also visually showcase your versatility.

5. Elevates your personal brand

The act of building a website takes time to perfect, and you’ll want potential employers or clients to notice the hard work you put in. Give your ePortfolio a solid, unique domain name like www.yourname.design or www.yourbrand.design to give your website URL a more solid look (it looks great on business cards), and make your portfolio more visible to potential clients and employers who are Googling your name and can find your portfolio online.

The .design domain is a new domain that’s catered specifically to professional and aspiring designers – design is the domain that matches exactly what you do and improves your branding. It looks great on resumes or business cards, and it looks professional when you use .design as part of your email address. To get started building your new domain name, visit your.design.

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